Leicester City Wins Appeal Against Premier League Punishment
Leicester City has officially announced that they have won the appeal regarding the allegations of violating the Premier League's profitability and sustainability rules. The independent committee had the authority to review the club's case, and Leicester City emerged victorious in the end.
The Premier League first raised concerns about the club's conduct in March 2024 and presented the case to the independent committee, accusing them of breaching the Premier League's Profitability and Sustainability Rules during the evaluation period up to June 30, 2023. The committee initially dismissed the club's challenge to its jurisdiction, but the independent appellate committee supported the club's objections and overturned the committee's ruling.
Leicester City has welcomed the comprehensive decision of the appellate committee, stating that it aligns with their consistent stance that any action against the club should be in accordance with the applicable rules. It is emphasized that the club did not violate the Premier League's Profitability and Sustainability Rules during the evaluation period up to June 30, 2023.
The three-member appellate committee, consisting of two former appellate court judges and experienced senior lawyers, highlighted deficiencies in the drafting of the Premier League rules in their ruling. The club was simply seeking to ensure that the application of the rules (for the benefit of all clubs with consistency and certainty) was based on their actual wording, as they questioned the Premier League's accusations.
In response to the Premier League's statements following the appeal ruling, Leicester City hopes to clarify the conclusion reached by the appellate committee, which determined that the club did not breach the Premier League's PSR during the evaluation period up to June 30, 2023. The committee's decision was based on established legal principles in the UK and the actual language used in the Premier League rules.Leicester City expressed their gratitude for the support received from their fans and stakeholders during this challenging period. The club remains committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and compliance with regulations, ensuring a sustainable and successful future in the Premier League.
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